Sr. No. Title Resource Person URL
001. Ericksons psycho-social theory part I Dr. Anita Singh
002. Ericksons psycho-social theory part II Dr. Anita Singh
003. Growth and development in infancy stage Dr. Anita Singh
004. Individual differences Dr. Anita Singh
005. jean piaget cognitive development Dr. Anita Singh
006. kohlebergs moral development theory Dr. Anita Singh
007. learner and its context Dr. Anita Singh
008. stages of human development Dr. Anita Singh
009. vygotsky socio-cultural theory Dr. Anita Singh
010. advait vedant philosophy Dr. Beena Singh
011. buddhist philosophy Dr. Beena Singh
012. jain philosophy Dr. Beena Singh
013. mimansa philosophy Dr. Beena Singh
014. nyaya philosophy Dr. Beena Singh
015. philosophy and education Dr. Beena Singh
016. sankhya philosophy Dr. Beena Singh
017. vaisheshik philosophy Dr. Beena Singh
018. yog philosophy Dr. Beena Singh
019. baudh kalin shiksha Dr. Prakriti James
020. macaulay declaration and woods dispatch Dr. Prakriti James
021. muslim kalin shiksha Dr. Prakriti James
022. National education commision and Wardha education system Dr. Prakriti James
023. Sargent Report, University Education commission, Secondary Education commision Dr. Prakriti James
024. vedic kalin shiksha Dr. Prakriti James